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Teico Overseas is a well-known leader in the field of highly specialized geotechnical works. In regards to problematic or challenging projects, Teico Overseas has an experienced technical staff made up of engineers and geologists that develop analysis and calculate the stability of rock masses. On the basis of their results, the optimal system of protection is designed. Both active and passive measures are taken in order to prevent loose and falling rock masses: metallic nets both simple and reinforced, wire rope panels, wire rope wrappings, precise nailing, bar and rod ties, rock fall barriers.
Operating in a field that is both complex and delicate, nothing can be left to chance. Only highly qualified specialization and great care of human resources guarantee professionalism and safety. For this reason Teico Overseas has concentrated on the quality of its employees. Its staff is composed of expert rock climbers that have intricate knowledge of alpine techniques and always operate with the global standard safety systems.
Our highly specialized personnel can operate in abnormal work conditions. Thanks to the most advanced systems of perforation (manual drills and special hydraulic drills mounted on suspended platforms) they can execute perforations of elevated diameters and depths without the use of service structures. In general, as a precaution, debushing and detachment take place before the executive phases.

In the case of demolition of precarious rock formations, Teico personnel operate with hand-held or hydraulic equipment to execute the detachment of small or medium rock. In the case of elevated dimensions, after perforations, the use of expanding chemical agents or explosives in controlled charges are used.